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Demelza Hill at New Designers

New Designers 07: here are two products shown by University of Brighton 3D design graduate Demelza Hill at the New Designers show earlier this summer.

Snap and Dine - which we briefly showed when it was exhibited in Milan in April - is a "portable lunch setting" while Reveal is a light with a zipped shade, allowing the amount of light it emits to be controlled.

Here is some text from Hill:


Product 1

Name: Snap and Dine

Material: Currently made in plastic. Proposed to be produced in a Biodegradable resin (fast degrading resin which causes less harm to the environment at the end of its life cycle).

Description: Snap and Dine is a portable lunch setting that reinforces some of the tables manners and etiquette that have been lost over time. This is achieved through the physical layout and visual references of a formal dinner setting.

Product designer Demelza Hill was inspired by our nations habit of ‘eating on the go’ and wanted to encourage eating outdoors without having to compromise the users table manners.

This single use three-course table setting, integrates disposable cutlery with traditional intricate tableware. The design expands the possibilities of eating outdoors in style whilst reinforcing the correct use of cutlery.

Product 2

Name: Reveal

Materials: The arch is plywood faced with white acrylic on a steal bracket. The shade is made from White 4mm sheet foam.


Reveal is a sculptural take on indoor functional lighting. It allows the user to control and contribute to the output of light and atmosphere it creates. The form originates from my research into nature and plants and how they reveal inner layers of life and light as they change through the seasons.

As the light unzips it spiral to the floor, pealing back the form and releasing the light. This light gives the user a sense of contributing to the atmosphere and creative achievement, which builds a stronger product user relationship. This is designed for an active environment where it can be visually stimulating and well as functional.

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