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Pecha Kucha at Clerkenwell Design Week

Pecha Kucha at Clerkenwell Design Week on Thursday 24 May

Clerkenwell Design Week 2012: Dezeen are media partners for the London series of talks, and the next one takes place on Thursday 24 May at Clerkenwell Design Week with speakers including architect Nigel Coates, architecture publisher Peter Murray and designer Benjamin Hubert

The event will start at 7pm in the Farmiloe Building at 34 St John Street, the event’s main venue where you can also find our latest Dezeen Watch Store pop-up - more details here. Entrance is free but please register in advance for entrance to Clerkenwell Design Week.

The evening will be chaired by Icon magazine editor Christopher Turner and speakers include:

»Anthony Dickens
»Marc Krusin
»Benjamin Hubert
»Nigel Coates
»Peter Murray
»Phil Coffey
»William Knight
»Kevin Haley
»Annabelle Filer

Deriving its name from the Japanese term for the sound of ‘chit chat’, PechaKucha was devised and shared by Klein Dytham architecture, and consists of a series of presentations where each participant shows 20 images for 20 seconds.

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