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Quentin Deronzier documents growing up for Jerry Folk music video

For Jerry Folk's Kids music video, French visual artist Quentin Deronzier used Cinema 4D to create hypnotic visuals that document the transition from childhood to adulthood.

The Kids track is part of an ongoing project by Norwegian musician Jerry Folk titled The Kids Tape.

Before creating the video, Deronzier spoke at length with the musician about the meaning of the track and what he'd had in mind when producing it.

"The video is an experiment about what growing up means," Deronzier told Dezeen. "It shows this particular moment when you lose your innocence and start realising what awaits you in your near future – when your childhood bubble bursts on contact with the real world."

The video, which was created using Cinema 4D modelling software, is divided into two parts: innocence and realisation.

During the innocence section, colours are warm and the pace is mellow. Rounded objects gently float around the main character.

While the realisation section starts, spiky shapes appear and the colours change to become colder and more harsh.

"Overall, I played with a lot of reflective textures," said the artist. "The most difficult was to get the burst scene right."

"I wanted to have a really organic material that could tear apart easily when the body of the kid was going through it."

Cinema 4D was also used by Joan Guasch to create psychedelic imagery that twists and warps for Delorean's 3D-mapped Crystal music video.

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