Dezeen Magazine

Future Mobility Competition powered by Arrival - entry form

To enter the Future Mobility Competition powered by Arrival, please fill out this form. The full brief explaining what you need to submit can be found here.

All entrants must also ensure they have read the competition terms and conditions before entering.

If you have any problems submitting your entry, please email [email protected].

To enter, please complete all fields below

First name

Last name


Email address

Telephone number

Please include country calling code at the start (eg. +1 in the US or +44 in the UK)


Is this a team entry?

If so, please list the names of all teammates.

Name of design

Name of the city the design is for

Description of the mobility problem

Please explain the mobility problem the design seeks to solve (maximum 300 words).

{{ entry.lifestyle_the_object_has_been_designed_for.trim().split(/\s+/).length }}/300 words

Description of the design

Please describe your design, explaining how it solves the above mobility problem and improves people's lives (maximum 300 words).

{{ entry.description.trim().split(/\s+/).length }}/300 words

Upload up to ten images

Please upload a hero image depicting the design in its urban environment and up to nine supporting images showcasing the design. All images must be JPGs and no more than 1MB in size each.

Please upload all your images at once, rather than adding them individually.

Click here to upload images

Optional video or animation

If you would like to submit a video or animation showcasing the design, please include a URL here. If a password is required to access the file, please include this in your entry description.

Terms and conditions