Dezeen Magazine

Master of Building Science at University of Southern California

The Master of Building Science course at University of Southern California (USC) empowers students to devise innovative and sustainable engineering solutions for architecture.

School: University of Southern California School of Architecture
Course: Master of Building Science
Location: Los Angeles, California, USA
Course dates: August 2024 to May 2026
Application deadline: 2 January 2024

The Master of Building Science at the USC School of Architecture recognizes that exemplary architecture requires innovative responses to natural forces.

Integrating the study of building sciences with knowledge of current practices and new technologies creates a synergistic and holistic architectural design that satisfies performative goals.

The program addresses the need for a new generation of design professionals prepared to bring appropriate technology to the design of a sustainable environment while recognizing the critical impacts that science and technology can play in social and cultural realms.

Within this context, the program emphasizes the integration of planning, design and technology to form a coherent, interdependent force for the appropriate construction of urban places.

The program also recognizes the ecological importance of energy-conscious design and construction as well as the social value of creating places in which natural forces and systems are utilized rather than suppressed.

Another focus of this program is the development of research and design methods suited to the complexity of building in urban settings and effective in the use of extensive information.

Students are individually guided through their study and complete a thesis-based research project.

Many papers based on thesis work have been co-authored by faculty and students and have been published and presented at professional conferences.

This program is intended for students with a background in architecture, engineering or related areas.

The program offers the option to complete a dual degree with a Master of Heritage Conservation.

As a STEM program, international students may be eligible for a 24-month extension of post-completion OPT for a total eligibility of up to 36 months.

Applications to this course have now closed.

Top image: Engineering Finite Element Analysis for MBS thesis by Ivan Monsreal and engineering consultants at Walter P Moore.

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