Dezeen Magazine

Dezeen Watch Store frequently asked questions

Can I return a watch for a refund?

You have 14 days after your order is delivered to cancel, as this time has now passed and the business has closed we can no longer offer refunds. Any issues with watches bought from Dezeen Watch Store must now be dealt with under warranty direct with the manufacturer. For a full list of brand contacts and warranty details click here.

Can I exchange items from your closing down sale?

We do not offer exchanges on any sale items, and no longer have any watches left in stock.

Who do I contact if my watch develops a fault?

You will need to contact the watch manufacturer directly to notify them of any faults with your watch. Please find a full list of contacts here. Please note that if your watch has stopped working or is not keeping time correctly, we always recommend changing the battery as a first port of call.

How do I claim my warranty?

If your watch has developed a fault within the warranty time frame, you will need to contact the manufacturer directly with your Dezeen Watch Store order number and proof of purchase. You can find a full list of manufacturer contact details here.

How do I buy a watch I saw on Dezeen Watch Store now that the business has closed?

Most of the watches sold on Dezeen Watch Store can still be purchased direct from the brands own websites. For a full list of brands click here.