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Hello Raye online platform

Hello Raye is an online directory of furniture complete with BIM files

Dezeen promotion: Hello Raye is an online directory of furniture with BIM and CAD files that allows architects and interior designers to find the right products for their projects, as well as upload their own materials and models.

The free site, which was made to facilitate discovery and collaboration, brings together products from a variety of brands, with the models and specifications that designers need to create interior design boards for projects.

Hello Raye lets users create concept boards of items for different projects

On Hello Raye designers can search for furniture, fixtures and equipment, which are accompanied by Building Information Modelling (BIM) or (Computer-aided Design) CAD files, by brand or keyword.

Once they have the products they want to use, they can create concept boards from the products found on the site, as well as elsewhere on the internet using the Hello Raye Google Chrome extension, to showcase potential designs ideas for clients.

Options include filtering furniture by brand, market, style and category

A filtering system means designers can also quickly sift through products based on factors such as brand, dealer alignments, market sector, product style, and product category. Lead time and price filters are set to be introduced soon. This enables users to create tailor-made concept boards quicker.

Hello Raye's recommendations and discovery function aims to help users discover brands that may be new to them.

The Boston-based startup, which was founded in 2019, also encourages collaboration between designers, brands and dealers, with designers able to contact other industry people directly through the website.

For manufacturers, it gives them the opportunity to showcase their brand through a profile page with all their information, including specialty products and dealer lists.

The Snapshots tool allows users to create their own renders

As well as being able to search for designs by BIM or CAD files, Hello Raye launched Snapshots which helps designers create their own 4K renders of products with 3D files from different angles, distances, and finishes. 

The cloud-based 3D visualiser tool allows designers to upload their own materials and models for a quick preview of a 3D design asset, and any combinations can be generated as 4K renders.

Users can comment on the concept boards

Designers who create a project using Hello Raye also have the chance to win prizes, as part of monthly board contests that are judged by the brand.

"We are looking for beautiful, thoughtful designs that make use of Hello Raye’s technology in innovative ways," said CEO Brian Chiou. To have a chance of winning, the proposed designs should be aesthetically appealing – but also showcase the capabilities of the platform's technology

To find out more about Hello Raye, visit the website.

Partnership content

This article was written by Dezeen for Hello Raye as part of a partnership. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.

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