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This week on Dezeen

Zaha Hadid's Heydar Aliyev Center was named Design of the Year by London's Design Museum this week in a controversial decision that dominated the news and prompted strong reactions from critics and readers. Read on for more architecture and design highlights from the past seven days, plus our Dezeen Music Project track of the week.

Grecian is a wonderfully noisy, distorted instrumental track by London band Dead Red Sun.

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Portrait of Zaha Hadid

Speaking at the Designs of the Year ceremony in London, Zaha Hadid described the Heydar Aliyev Center as "an incredibly ambitious project".

Zaha Hadid's Heydar Aliyev Center

The decision to award the building a top design prize caused controversy almost immediately from critics and readers concerned with the political situation in Azerbaijan. The Design Museum's director Deyan Sudjic attempted to justify the panel's judgement in an exclusive interview with Dezeen.

Frank Gehry's plans for a skyscraper complex in Toronto

Elsewhere Frank Gehry scaled back plans for a proposed skyscraper complex in his home city of Toronto, reducing the number of towers from three to two. The project has gone through numerous iterations in an attempt to appease planning authorities, prompting readers to suggest that architects can't truly exercise their creativity in Toronto.

BIG's Danish National Maritime Museum

Other architecture news included the announcement of the World Architecture Awards shortlist, which features an underground maritime museum by BIG and OMA's colossal De Rotterdam skyscraper.

Lego Minifigures hacked to create holders for iPhone charging cables

A fun revelation caught readers imaginations this week as it was discovered Lego Minifigures can be hacked to create holders for iPhone charging cables.

Vibrating kGoal activity tracker monitors vaginal exercises

Towards the end of the week commenters reacted hilariously to a vaginal activity tracker designed to strengthen pelvic floor muscles. Read the story and comments »

Alfred Street Residence in Melbourne refurbished by Studio Four

Finally, the most popular projects this week included a refurbished Australian home featuring a bookcase that frames its kitchen, an apartment block featuring zig-zagging balconies, and a sinuous wooden walkway that meanders through the treetops of a botanical garden.

Boomslang walkway by Mark Thomas and Henry Fagan

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