2023 results

Garden Tower House
by Studio Bright

Garden Tower House by Studio Bright
Photo by Rory Gardiner

Studio Bright has renovated the Garden Tower House in Melbourne, Australia.

Garden Tower House is a gymnastic exercise in making a family home with all the amenities of a suburban block fit a tight 4.2 metre-wide site.

In such tight planning, every millimetre has to work hard to realise the programmatic potential – with every wall surface needed to support family life.

"Within this sits the new contribution by our studio, two petite towers with a singular, outer skin of breezeblock, mediating the private realm from its pressing urban context," said Studio Bright. "The humble breezeblock, ubiquitous in postwar Australia, is celebrated."

As a result, the resurrection of a dilapidated 'worker's cottage' sits within the dense urban fabric of Cremorne, Melbourne.

This project has been shortlisted in the house extension category of Dezeen Awards 2023.

Studio: Studio Bright
Project: Garden Tower House

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