Amanda Levete

Amanda Levete 是英国皇家建筑师学会斯特林奖的得主,也是伦敦建筑设计事务所 AL_A 的创始人。

Amanda Levete is a Stirling Prize-winner and founder of the London-based architecture practice AL_A.

Levete 最近完成的项目包括两座入围 2023 年 Dezeen 设计大奖的建筑:牛津大学沃德姆学院(Wadham College Oxford)里斯本艺术、建筑与科技博物馆(MAAT)以及 V&A 展览路街的地下画廊。

AL_A 正在进行的项目包括苏格兰佩斯利博物馆、布鲁塞尔 D'Ieteren 总部和塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德爱乐音乐厅

Levete 因其对建筑业的贡献被授予 CBE 勋章,并获得了简-德鲁奖(Jane Drew Prize),当选为美国建筑师学会荣誉院士,最近还被授予皇家艺术学院院士称号。


Recently completed projects of hers include two buildings longlisted in Dezeen Awards 2023 for Wadham College Oxford, the Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology (MAAT) in Lisbon and the underground gallery V&A Exhibition Road Quarter.

Ongoing projects of AL_A include the Paisley Museum in Scotland, D'Ieteren headquarters in Brussels and the Belgrade Philharmonic Concert Hall in Serbia.

Levete has been recognised with a CBE for services to architecture, received the Jane Drew Prize, been elected an honorary fellow of the American Institute of Architects and was recently made a member of the Royal Academy of Arts.

She is also a trustee of the V&A, a radio and TV broadcaster, a writer for a number of publications and an international lecturer.

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