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Constance Guisset's D-Vine tabletop machine speeds up wine tasting

French designer Constance Guisset has created a machine that automatically aerates and adjusts the temperature of individual glasses of wine.

The device was designed for French startup wine company 10-Vins, which supplies single servings of wine in test tube-like bottles.

Users insert a wine tube into the top of the machine, and use a spherical handle as a plunger to push it down, ready to be oxygenated.

The machine automatically recognises the type and maturity of the wine using an RFID chip, and adjusts the temperature and aeration accordingly. The process takes around a minute.

This saves wine-lovers the usual process of leaving wine to "breathe" and let flavours develop.

An opening at the base of the machine offers room for a wine glass, which is filled from an overhead spout.

"The development took two years, going back and forth between 10-Vins, their engineers, and the studio," said Guisset, who has also designed interiors for the Accor hotel group.

"The technology required to be adapted to domestic use: the machine needed to be as compact as possible and immediately understandable," she added.

"To have a compact machine was quite a challenge because it works thanks to gravity, so it needs a certain height. The clean and radical shape allows us to have some fantasy in the button. The ball is like the cherry on the cake."

Guisset isn't the first designer that's sought to improve the wine drinking experience. London designer Benjamin Hubert created a carafe that decants wine through a stainless steel aerator to improve its flavour.

Others have attempted to redesign wine glasses. Design Academy Eindhoven students Florence Louisy and Léo Schlumberger created glasses that could hold wine and water in separate sections – to help drinkers to avoid over-consumption.

London designer Kacper Hamilton made a set of seven glasses, inspired by the seven deadly sins, and Superduperstudio created "spillproof" vessels that lacked the traditional stem and base of normal wine glasses.

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