李虎和黄文菁 | Li Hu and Huang Wenjing

李虎和黄文菁是 OPEN 建筑事务所的创始合伙人。
Li Hu and Huang Wenjing are founding partners of Open Architecture.

位于北京的 OPEN 建筑事务所在中国完成了众多市政、文化和教育类项目,其中包括 UCCA 沙丘美术馆山谷音乐厅烟台时光塔上海油罐艺术中心苏州山峰书院、上海青浦平和双语学校、深圳坪山大剧院、清华大学海洋中心、北京四中房山校区、歌华营地体验中心等。

李虎和黄文菁也赢得了 2023 Dezeen 设志大奖的中国年度建筑师奖项。


Their Beijing-based studio has completed numerous civic, cultural and educational projects in China including UCCA Dune Art Museum, Chapel of Sound, Sun Tower, Tank Shanghai, as well as Shanfeng Academy.

In 2023, they were crowned Dezeen Awards China architect of the year.

The duo also serve as Kenzo Tange design critics in architecture at Harvard University Graduate School of Design, visiting professors at Tsinghua University and China Central Academy of Fine Arts.


首席赞助伙伴 | Headline sponsors

  • Bentley

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