Dezeen Magazine

Dezeen has reached 250,000 Dezeen Weekly newsletter subscribers

Dezeen Weekly now has 250,000 weekly newsletter subscribers!

We now have a quarter of a million subscribers to the Dezeen Weekly newsletter, which offers a roundup of the week's highlights. Thanks to everyone that signed up!

Sent every Thursday, Dezeen Weekly contains our pick of the top stories and comments every week.

To celebrate reaching 250,000 subscribers, London-based illustrator Liam Cobb created this illustration for us.

We also have a daily newsletter, Dezeen Daily, which has over 150,000 subscribers. To sign up to receive these newsletters, click here.

All you have to do is enter your email address and look out for the confirmation message in your inbox. Once you've clicked on the link in the email, you'll receive all the latest updates!

Alternatively find us on FacebookTwitterInstagram or Line.