2023 results

Som Land Hostel
by RooMoo

Som Land Hostel by RooMoo Design Studio.
Photo by RooMoo Design Studio

Highly commended: Hotel and short-stay interior of the year 2023. RooMoo has planned and developed the Som Land Hostel in Shanghai, China.

Som Land, located on Shanghai's Chongming Island, is a resort space in harmony with the natural countryside and combines local customs and handicrafts.

"Regarding overall space arrangement and planning, Som Land focuses on nature and humanistic traditions," said RooMoo.

The site encounters water on both sides and is adjacent to Laoji Port and Hongmei Road, surrounded by national shelter forests and rivers.

"Therefore, properly integrating with the natural environment [was] the primary consideration in the design," added RooMoo.

Judges comments: "The offering of Som Land being a hostel is improbable and fantastic. It is important to identify and recognise new innovative projects such as this one, with a typology so different to the rest of China."

This project has been highly commended in the hotel and short stay interior category of Dezeen Awards 2023.

Studio: RooMoo
Project: Som Land Hostel

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